QUOTES FROM The Book of Pregnancy
(wives' tales, poems, traditions, recipes, etc.)
by Vocke, Baysinger, and Heckman
(wives' tales, poems, traditions, recipes, etc.)
by Vocke, Baysinger, and Heckman
Birth is the sudden opening of a window, through which you look out upon a stupendous prospect. For what has happened? A miracle. You have exchanged nothing for the possibility of everything.
- William MacNeile Dixon
The first cry of a newborn baby in Chicago or Zamboango, in Amsterdam or Rangoon, has the same pitch and key, each saying, "I am! I have come through! I belong! I am a member of the Family."
- Carl Sandburg
- The Talmud
The rules for parents are but three...Love, Limit, and Let them be.
- Elaine M Ward
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If you're up for a short, clever read, this link takes you to an excerpt of Mark Twain's The Diaries of Adam and Eve: http://infomotions.com/alex2/authors/twain-mark/twain-extracts-681/. If you scroll down and start with the entry called "Next Year," Adam is trying to figure out what type of creature is this new addition to their lives.
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(an article by Paula Kashtan from the MSN Lifestyle website)
(an article by Paula Kashtan from the MSN Lifestyle website)
"I barged in on him in the bathtub and shoved the stick in his face, asking him if he saw a second line. He saw it right away and got all smiley, stood up in the bath, and flexed his arm muscles like he was King Kong." — Erin; Shawano, WI
"I took the test and came running out of the bathroom screaming. He kept saying, 'Are you sure? No way!' I ran to get the test to show him that it literally said 'pregnant,' and he started screaming and gave me a hug and kiss. Then he turned and told the cat he was going to be a brother." — Kristen; West Berlin, NJ
"After the initial hugging and staring at the test, he immediately (and I'm talking five minutes after the two lines appeared) sat down with a calculator and a pad of paper and worked out our finances since we had bought a house literally the day before. After about 20 minutes, he announced that we should be fine financially to go ahead and do this. Then he started looking up preschools in our new neighborhood." — Lisa; VA
"He looked at the digital test and said, 'Is that the most advanced piece of technology you'll ever pee on?'" — Christine; Evanston, IL