Yes, we had yams for supper. I got out the camera hoping to catch Zoralee dancing, which she did a little of. But wait until the very end for the best part, Z's contribution.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
'round here
Looking through my photos, the outdoor scenes are juxtaposed with ones of friendship and warmth.

It's the first week of January as I write, though I'm blogging month-old happenings. I just can't find it in me to skip ahead to now, even though there is so much to say. I envision this as a family journal that should be kept somewhat chronological, and I fear I might not post old stuff if I move on too soon.
There you have it.
There you have it.
my folks' and Rachel's visit
As I mentioned, my parents and sister flew to Alaska for Zoralee's first birthday party. One day Zoralee will be able to understand the extreme measures being taken to celebrate her existence - the first, long-awaited grandchild of my folks / niece of my siblings / great-grandchild of my maternal grandparents. She gets a few truckfuls of attention. By the time that someday comes, we'll hopefully have enough other little dudes running around that she won't become too twerpish.

Thanks, Mom, Dad, and Rach, for loving Z and us in this way!
Brooks at one of his year-end tournaments - he later took second at state!
bundled babies make such great tossers

the all girl oatmeal gang
Friday, December 11, 2009
Zoralee is one

Zoralee's birthday was just perfect! A group of friends and family came to my cousins' house in celebration of a whole year of life for Zoralee Rena. She opened some presents (which a few rule-breakers had brought), listened to two poems from friends, played with Tate, Luke, Gauge, Chloe, and Lillian, and spent several minutes poking at her own Z cake. Otherwise, the rest of us enjoyed snacks and cake and ice cream, and watched a short video collage of Z's birth and first couple months (made possible at the last minute by Scott's computer savviness). Elisha brought a chocolate cake which we sprinkled powder sugar onto in a zebra stripe pattern, and my mom made a coconut cake, which we sprinkled chocolate shavings onto in the same pattern.
And get this. A day or two before her birthday, I was at the thrift store looking for a funky party dress for Zoralee, and I happened across a zebra-print dress (the one you see in all the pictures). I about fell over. It was $1.99. IS IT NOT PERFECT FOR A ZEBRA PARTY? Z for zebra; Z for Zoralee, see. My mom also got her the zebra hair ribbon, and we put on her black tights. I'll you what; the whole getup was enough to make a cute-sensitive person faint.
In over-the-top gestures of love, my folks flew up from Montana for the week, and Rachel flew up from Portland for a long weekend. It was so great having them here, not only for Z's birthday but just for hanging out together. And in the case of Rachel, being pregnant together! Yippidy-dooooo!
Here are some more pictures, courtesy of Elisha and Brandon.
Rachel uploaded this video to youtube. After the singing, it's not especially exciting, but here 'tis.
As we've gotten to know each other better during this stint in Alaska, three year old Lillian has asked me some great questions. The inquiries started adding up, and I could see they deserved their own blog post. These are the four I remember:
1. [watching as I stirred guacamole]: "Is that Yoda food?"
2. [skeptically pointing at my brown undershirt and red and blue striped overshirt] "Do those match?"
3. "Why did you guys order two babies?"
- and my favorite -
4. [with a very concerned face] "When you have a baby in your tummy, is it okay to eat cheese puffs?"
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
fun scams in the middle of the night
If you are a contact on my sister, Rachel's, gmail or facebook, please don't respond to urgent requests for money. Some hooligan hacked into those accounts in the middle of the night, and sent mass messages about being robbed at gunpoint in London and needing help to get home. We've been getting emails from good folks wanting to make sure they're okay, and yes, they are. Just annoyed at the cleanup they're having to do. Thankfully, most people realized that the poor grammar used in the message didn't sound much like Rachel. Ha ha. Tip to scammers: brush up on your English.
What's the most fun about this is that it all happened in the middle of the night (so maybe the scammer lives across the world where it's daytime). Mom and Dad were here in Alaska with us, and spent the second half of the night receiving and sending questions and answers to friends via phone text.
Some nights when you go to sleep, you just don't know what will happen next.
What's the most fun about this is that it all happened in the middle of the night (so maybe the scammer lives across the world where it's daytime). Mom and Dad were here in Alaska with us, and spent the second half of the night receiving and sending questions and answers to friends via phone text.
Some nights when you go to sleep, you just don't know what will happen next.
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