Once upon a time, there lived an energetic polar bear with a rainbow tummy. | |
She had been displaced from her Arctic homeland. |
Before she knew it, she was wandering the fields and highways of North Dakota. |
Little Lamb was Polar Bear's trusty companion. |
The trip had been hard on Little Lamb - |
a broken leg, a lot of riding by the neck in the crook of Polar Bear's arm - |
but he had no idea of the dangers that were just beyond the next hay bale. |
Or maybe he did. |
She noticed something in the grass just a few trees away. |
Why, it was an herbivorous dinosaur! He sure was hungry, but apparently well-fed. |
And pensive. |
And tricky! |
Polar Bear watched the little dinosaur from her vantage point behind a tree of some sort. |
He seemed friendly enough. She was about to step out and make his acquaintance, when |
Oh, no! What was that in the background, approaching so deftly, |
while the dinosaur sucked his thumb in oblivion? |
Polar Bear wasted not a single second. |
"Raaawr!" she cried ferociously, as she jumped out from her place of hiding. |
But she suddenly felt weak and inadequate with her felt cloth claws. |
Polar Bear grabbed two sticks from the forest floor. |
The creature was all up ons the tiny herbivorous dinosaur! |
He was a goner for certain unless Polar Bear could intervene! |
"Oh mies, little herbivorous dinosaur! Are you okay?" |
"Uh, yeah. Why?" |
"Well," began Polar Bear, "I was hiding behind a tree, hugging it like this, watching you." |
"Creepy, but okay," said the dinosaur. "Then what happened?" |
And Polar Bear recounted to the herbivorous dinosaur the haunting events |
that had taken place behind his Bumbo seat only seconds before. |
Cinderella warmly greeted Polar Bear. |
"Any friend of the herbivorous dinosaur is a friend of mine," she gushed. |
And then they played it cool for a couple of minutes. |
Cinderella had a little slipper trouble... |
"Why does that seem familiar?" wondered Polar Bear. |
And with empty candy baskets, they prepared to take Cinderella's neighborhood by cute storm. |
Polar Bear hung back, approaching doors just close and just long enough |
to receive the blessed candies. A long trip makes a bear cautious. |
There was much glee all around. |
"Let's go to another house!" Cinderella and Polar Bear exclaimed after each house. |