Monday, November 26, 2007

family conversing

In line at the grocery store a couple days ago, there was a tired dad, a very yappy 7-year old boy, and a responsible 9-year old girl ahead of us. If I could always listen to interactions like theirs, I wouldn't mind standing in line. Be sure to read these in a thick, southern Indiana drawl:

Boy: Daddy, what are them [pointing]? What are them, Daddy? Daddy, what are them?
Dad, eventually: Them are Skittles.

....and only seconds later....

Boy: My asthma's gone! My asthma's gone!
Girl: Asthma don't just go away. It never goes away.


Matthew Kellen said...

Hey guys. This is Matthew E. Kellen of wake Alaska renoun. I am inspired by your blogsite, and determined to put more into my site. It is so cool to see how y'all are doing. I miss y'all a ton. My blogsite is I'm in South Africa 'till July. Send your grandparents my best.

Matthew Kellen said...

Hey guys. This is Matthew E. Kellen of wake Alaska renoun. I am inspired by your blogsite, and determined to put more into my site. It is so cool to see how y'all are doing. I miss y'all a ton. My blogsite is I'm in South Africa 'till July. Send your grandparents my best.