Wednesday, August 8, 2007

barcode life

A person's life could be visualized as one long, long barcode. And no two are exactly alike, see, just like the purported snowflake (although I think we have all concluded that that's a bunch of hogwash). Anyway, the thin lines of the barcode represent normal events, and the thicker lines represent defining moments that further make us who we are. So, unbeknownst to us, a thicker line somewhere would suddenly have bearing on which of the following lines were thick and which were thin. Follow me? Because if you had a defining moment in which you understood something like, "Eating grass really sucks" and then another day, "World poverty exists," then a thick line on your barcode might be the moment you put those together and realized that some people have to eat the equivalent of grass to survive.

Now then, there's probably one real and true barcode version of a person's life, although it's not possible in a scientific sort of way to know what it looks like. But if I were to draw my own perceived barcode and make thick lines at the moments I think were defining, and then lay it over the real and true barcode (if they were both on transparency film), I wonder how they'd line up.

This is the thought I fell asleep to last night and wished to heaven I wouldn't forget by morning. As you can see, it's a good thing I didn't, because we may be on to something here.

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