Wednesday, March 12, 2008

working...and possibly not working

Since spring break is this week, there are no children at the montessori school for me to montessori around with. So, I'm only working the psych office job. Next week it'll be back to both, but for now, I wish to blog briefly on the office.

At first, when I began a couple weeks ago, it was very, very stressful, because everything (fax machine, phone with multiple lines, predictably-stylized clock on the wall, break room, carpet, file cabinets, and a few characters) is so officey. I sit at a computer terminal, scanning file after file after file, and otherwise covering for the front desk, answering the phone, and scheduling clients. STRESS. How could it be so? Well, before we left Alaska I was pretty heavily into office world for several years, longing for the day to break the chains. I mean, I daydreampt about being in the woods under a tree, maybe even hugging the tree, no office sight, sound, or smell for miles. Then, we broke out and I was totally "clean" for over a year. I was free as a bird. Now that we're back for a couple months, office world called me back, and I foolishly answered. All for the money. My soul for the green stuff. It's hard to look myself in the mirror, people, and I have to look there more often than ever because of working with the public. Ahh, in truth, it's not that bad now that I'm a bit more familiar with the lingo, schedule, and personalities of my co-workers.

PLUS, it appears we will be here in Alaska for even less time than we thought, sadly. Less time than three months, that is. Like, we might be leaving here mid-April to go back down to Montana, due to the fact that Jason just got word that the budget has been pulled out from under his summer position at Glacier Park. Now then, why would we go back to MT when the job isn't there? Well. We are deliberating even now, day and night, in snow and in sun, about whether we should hike the PCT this summer instead. We're leaning toward "yes," but we'll see. The thing is, we'd have to start that in early May, thus the rush.

(The Pacific Crest Trail is a long distance trail that we attempted to through-hike in one season back in 2002. We failed back then, having to fall off the trail just over half-way, and we've been dreaming about a redo ever since. This just might be our chance.)



Christi said...

Do it, do it, do it.

We'll bring you treats when you get near our neck of the woods.

Rena said...
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Rena said...

What!?! No photo accompanying your office blog? I'd like a picture of you surrounded by machines and files and clocks, please.

And remember, Montana has plenty of trees to hug!

Rutschow said...

Okay.... this is for purely selfish reasons...
I may be leading the "Outdoor Adventure" program at Jeff and Christie's camp this summer and will need some staff... GOOD staff. It's 10 weeks of ropes courses and zip lines in the redwoods, 3 day pack trips (each week) through Big Basin to the coast. This camp is set separate from the rest ... no electricity ect.. and is going to be quite an adventure. Oh, and there are kids involved... Anyways, maybe it's not your bag, but it's an option where you can be outside and get paid "a little". I think the commitment is 10 weeks.