Wednesday, February 24, 2010

fourteen months, going on fourteen years

a fancy old hat at Aunt Leah's birthday tea luncheonUnc Luke's shoes

Grandpa Gene's redneck teeth

gaming with the big boys Valentine's surprise from G&G - a little tea set


melissa v. said...

Soooo cuuuuute, I want her!
[pouty lip]
She reminds me a ton of Ri, probably because of the similarity in age! SO FULL of personality, eh?

And FAN TAS TIC idea for the haircut--I'd resorted to Brent holding his head still and trying to hold down his flailing body with my legs while diving in dangerously with the scissors at odd intervals. The result is less than stunning. The computer would be a perfect distraction.

You is smart.

Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...

I am so excited about these blog posts with pictures that I am taking my sweet ass time looking at each one.

Who are the random boys in the gaming picture?

These are great. I wish they were bigger so we could see Zor's face up close and personal, you know?

lori said...

Mel - - Yes, full of personality is an understatement! These little beings are incredible, aren't they?! Well, thanks about the computer thing. I originally used it for clipping her nails (and still do).

Rae - - Those boys are Tyler and Thomas one night over at Luke's for UFC. What resolution are your pics when you post them to the blog? If I post them in their original sizes, you can click on them and they'll get big. But they take so long to upload that instead I downsize them first. ?