Friday, April 19, 2013

first hike of spring

The snow was still knee-deep in places, and of course, we gots these here children, so we won no distance awards at .6 miles in 90 minutes, but we found a deer trail that had been packed down well enough to at least get out into the hills. We saw an abundance of wildlife on our evening drive and hike. A raccoon, graciously treed by Kaladi for our viewing pleasure, a golden eagle, other colorful birds, hundreds of deer, a skunk, and evidence of a porcupine (in Kaladi's nose and lip), which provided Jason and his Leatherman with a nice evening chore.


Tamie said...

See now, this is why I like you guys. Because you say hell YES we will get outside, even if it is hip-deep in snow in APRIL and our children are as low as molasses in wintertime. Hell, yes, we will.

Also, treed raccoons! Hurrah!

Rena said...

I love these pictures! I just wish they were individual so I could see them better. And I love your adventures! And I love all of you. And miss you ♥ ♥ ♥