Sunday, December 30, 2007

Great Falls Park with Brie

We spent Thursday with our niece, Brie, at Great Falls Park since she was out of school. She is very interested in Biology, so Jason had a hoot discussing animal behavior, bird tail shapes, and tree types with her. If things got too technical for me, I simply sang, "High on a hill was a lonely goatherd. Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo. Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd. Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo." - you know! From the goat puppet show on The Sound of Music! Brie brought up that song since we were on the Billy Goat Trail. And an appropriately named trail it was, with much rock hopping.

It was a stunning evening, finished up with an equally stunning supper of locally-made icecream. That brings up an interesting point. If anybody out there likes white chocolate, please. I am truly interested in why you do. I cannot taste much of anything when I eat it, which is why I usually don't. Does white chocolate have a taste? It's more just sweet waxiness, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its usually just vanilla, but sweeter or less distinct.