Wednesday, January 27, 2010

sneeze, freeze, threes, my main squeeze, & tease

I saw one of our hens sneeze. It startled me just how classic a chicken sneeze looks. Its neck was stretched out, its head nearly frozen, and all the world paused for those few seconds before the release. It sneezed four or five times in a row. Sounded about like you'd expect. I wonder which critters don't sneeze. Bugs? Do bugs have noses?

Our big freezer in the garage quit working sometime over the last few days. We were fortunate enough to find out before everything had thawed completely. An entire 1/2 cow is in there, hundreds of dollars of meat. Ughhh. The internet says this model was last made in 1976. That could have something to do with it. Dad joked that surely we could squeeze a little more use from it, and we actually tried the old electronic trickery of unplugging the device, plugging it back in, and waiting for a day. But, nope. So we loaded all the meat into the regular refrigerator freezers, one upstairs and one down, and took a load into town for my grandparents to freeze.

Last week I dumped a load of dirty diapers into the washer and heard some unnatural thudding. I looked in to see three eggs nestled about the diapers. I instinctively blamed Jason. Why would he do something like this? What a waste of good eggs. I asked him about it, and he instinctively thought I was crazy for assuming he would put eggs in the hamper. He did remember something though - seeing three eggs on the bottom stair a few days back. Ohhh, right! I'd set them there temporarily as I came in from outside, because I'd needed hands free to take off my coat. Then I'd forgotten about them. It seriously took us that entire line of reasoning to recall that we have a mobile toddler who loves to find and move objects. It made me so excited to introduce Easter egg hunts to Zoralee. Oh man. I am getting short of breath thinking about how fun that will be! Note to self: you wouldn't have to wait until Easter.

Jason has been working out two times a day, strength training and cardio stuff, for the start of his upcoming job. We have another week and a half with him before he leaves for several months of training. Boooooo for that. I'm trying to pre-adjust mentally. Like, if I go to bed before Jason, I envision him just not coming in after me. Then I get a real big knot in my stomach and change the mental subject. Every moment of time together is now extra precious. I guess each season is always precious, but you don't necessarily value it as such until you see it ending. We bought a computer camera to get set up for Skype. It was cheap. I already have a grudge against it, for one because it'll be my best link to Jason for days and nights and days and nights, and for another because it feels like cheating. I see the round ball of a camera - haven't even had the inspiration to take it from its box yet - and I know how lucky we are to live in a time when we can communicate that way. But it's not fair to the people who haven't been able to do that for ages and ages. Does anybody know the name of the psychological malady whereby you constantly feel horrid for living such a privileged life? I think I've got it.

Pics of Zoralee are next on my agenda for blogging. Ooh, I may be able to get one on now, real quick.


Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...

Oh man. The part about Zor putting eggs in the hamper made me laugh, laugh, laugh, because I can just SEE IT NOW: Cam is going to start blaming every fool-hearted absent-minded thing he ever does on the baby. Haha! But in that case, Zor probably really was the one that did it, which is so funny. It's funny because you obviously are around her all day and her life is like your life, but really, she has this whole little life of her own, much of which you're not privvy to. Isn't that a weird thought?

Great post though.

I'm sad for Jason to leave too. However, I am happy that it means you will come to Portland to see your beloved sister. Frown. Smile. Repeat.

melissa v. said...

Hang in there!! My hubby left me alone with 2 preschoolers for 6 straight months when he was training for his job. You can make it!! xoxo

And Zor is SMART--lookit her find a nest for those eggs!!


melissa v. said...

p.s. you could always come to Canada and visit ME while your hubby is gone?!?!?!!

tamie marie said...

I don't know the name of that psychological malady, but I've got it too.

Hey, maybe while all this visitin' is going on we should have a lady bloggers visitation thing. Maybe we could all meet up in Portland or Seattle or someting?

tamie marie said...

Leaving another comment so I can get the follow-ups.

lori said...

I'm totally up for a Seattle or Portland get-together. Woop!

tamie marie said...

What's everyone's time frames?

Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...

Aw man... I vote Portland!!

That would be so bad-ass, so bad-ass that it needs a new hyphenated word!

Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...

Oops, getting follow up as well.

lori said...

I'm very flexible, and it wouldn't really matter about weekends or days. Any trip I take to Seattle or Portland I'd coordinate with a trip to visit J.

tamie marie said...

What's our time frame here, peeps? Like, how long will Jason be down there, and what's everyone's schedules? I just found out I have 2 weddings in the southwest this summer.....maybe we should all meet in Flagstaff instead! (But I *really* want to come visit you ladies...)

Lori...I am on Skype too, so you could call me in addition to Jason!

lori said...

I'm so flexible it's not even funny. The one commitment I have is helping with a wedding here at the end of May. We should go from your wedding events, Rachel's work, Mel's work and mommying, etc... I am writing Mel now to let her know about this discussion in case she wasn't aware.

And I am game for meeting in either city. Being in Portland, we'd obviously have free lodging at Rachel's, and she knows the city and can take us cool places.

J'll be gone through June, so there's lots of time to work with.
Maybe earlier is better than later, in case Rachel has to be on bedrest later in the pregnancy (?).

melissa v. said...

Bedrest? What are you predicting??? Har har. I wasn't aware this turned into a discussion, so thanks for the note, Lor! I'd love to do either--if we plan something from March onward, my work will schedule around the trip. My February schedule is already in stone.
Seattle is a lot closer than Portland, but I really love the idea of a place to stay, and I know Portland way less well than Seattle so that would be novel!
I vote early March or sometime in April, because late March is spring break. My kids might want me around to do fun stuff for spring break.

Is it ok if I bring Riley? He's still boobing it.

Anonymous said...

Wow. How fun would a lady bloggers convention be! Wish I wasn't stranded up here yonder. I just know there will be a wonderful meeting of the minds though...

melissa v. said...

Is this the end of this conversation?

lori said...

I'll write an email to yous so we can get more specific with dates and details.

Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...

Weird! I logged onto respond at the exact same time as Lori. I'll look for the email. :)